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Our Story

There are certain instances in my life that stimulated my love for computer science. During my childhood years, I saw the computer only as an entertainment system, but soon I became aware of the wonders it can perform. Applications like the "Yahoo messenger" and "Orkut" bewildered me.


My interest in programming was further intensified by my Computer professor who when I was in 11th standard taught us HTML. Through just a flick of keys, I could create and modify my own web pages. When it said "Hello Swapnil" for the first time, I felt like I was commanding the computer to perform a certain task for me. My curiosity for computer hardware helped me with starting our first venture. By performing sales and repair of personal computers when was in college. Next, we started with a local cyber café it was the internet age and door to the digital world that was the moment when Cybertronics was actually started. Our journey is humble and has started with curiosity. But we have always tried to add innovation to what we have done. That is how we found our tagline Value Innovation.


From assembling and repairing personal computers to managing the entire IT infrastructure. From MS-Dos to server-level operating systems. From working on MS-Paint to exploring pixels in the graphics world. Cybertronics journey continues in the digital age.



To reduce the digital gap between individuals and business owners and help them with digital and business compliances.


To provide creative & innovative digital solutions that would add up productivity.

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